SE Completes Another Successful Ride in the 2018 Bike MS: Colorado
Samuel Engineering, Inc. has riden in the Bike MS: Colorado for the last 5 years. Our team of 33 cyclists all raise money to support R&D to help find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. To date, SE has raised $14,595.00 and provided over 40 volunteers.
This year was marked with a bit of sadness as our President, Everod Samuel went down on day one and the penny farthing did not survive the fall. Thankfully Everod is fine and was not hurt in the accident! He had his bike repaired and back riding in 3 days.
This year we had the honor of volunteering for Rest Stop #6 at the Buckhorn Presbyterian Church for the second year in a row. We had 40+ volunteers there to hand out food and freshly made snow cones to all of the riders.
What is Bike MS: Colorado?
The Colorado chapter of Bike MS is a two-day ride that travels through quaint towns and backroads where riders will enjoy rolling terrain or tackle mountain climbs surrounding Horsetooth Reservoir before ending at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. The Colorado Bike MS is the 3rd largest MS ride in the country and has raised more than $3.6 million every year. These funds are helping to drive MS research forward faster, and deliver services to those who face the challenges of MS every day so they can live their best lives.
Details of the event can be found at: http://main.nationalmssociety.org/site/TR/Bike/COCBikeEvents?pg=entry&fr_id=28914