Buildings & Government

Our Services

We deliver architect-led A+E design and construction management services. We offer a full-range of integrated engineering services from in-house professionals. We can also team with a variety of engineering and specialty subconsultants for the coordinated execution of a project.

Contact Us

Andrew Billings

Sr. Architect

Greg Miller

Sr. Architect

We want to hear from you.  Please send us your questions, requests and comments.

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Samuel Engineering Is a full-service, multi-disciplinary project development and execution company.

Denver Headquarters

8450 E. Crescent Pkwy. Suite 200

Greenwood, Village, CO, 80111

P: 303-714-4840

F: 303-714-4800

Texas Headquarters

3402 N 1st Street

Abilene, TX, 79603

P: 325-283-3100

Tyler, TX Office

1121 ESE Loop 323, Suite 200

Tyler, TX 75701

P: 903-991-2326

Wyoming Office

2515 Foothill Boulevard, Suite 220

Rock Springs, WY, 82901

P: 303-714-4821

F: 303-714-4800